Here is a collection of recent 2020 quarter 1 IELTS Speaking Part 3 test questions from the Internet. These questions were at IELTS exams in April 2020, May 2020 and June 2020. — Speaking 3 #890
- Do people choose to watch movies in the cinema than in the past? Why?
- What kinds of films do young people like to watch in your country?
- Do you think people should watch historical movies? Why?
- Most people think that watching a movie is the best to learn English, what do you think about it?
Topic: Entertainment 📖 Exam date: Jun 2020 — Speaking 3 #889
- Do you think it is necessary to be polite?
- Does politeness depend on culture and location?
- What is the difference between social policy in the old days and today? why?
- How does social media affect public policy?
Topic: Life 📖 Exam date: Jun 2020 — Speaking 3 #888
- How to start a business?
- What skills are needed to start a business?
- Do you think it’s good to work in a family business?
- Is it good to have your own business? or it's better to work for someone?
- What is a challenge in a family business?
- Do you think technology and social media have helped small businesses?
- Should the ownership of the company be private? or, state-owned.
- Why do some businesses become successful while others do not?
Topic: Work 📖 Exam date: Jun 2020 — Speaking 3 #868
- Does the weather impact on people’s daily activities? Why?
- Why do people do different kinds of sports in different kinds of weather?
- What kind of weather do people in your area like?
- Do people talk about the weather when they meet for the first time?
- How weather forecast helps the farmer?
- Why is weather important to farmers?
Topic: Environment 📖 Exam date: May 2020 — Speaking 3 #864
Why it is difficult to choose gifts?
Are men and women different related to giving gifts?
What is the most common type of gifts in your country? Why?
Is it important to give a gift to someone that is important to them?
Topic: Family and Friends 📖 Exam date: Apr 2020 — Speaking 3 #858
- What should people do to protect the environment?
- Do you think industries should take responsibility for pollution?
- How does society react to pollution caused by industries?
- What can the industry do for the environment?
- Do you think international organizations or nationals have a responsibility to address environmental challenges?
Topic: Entertainment 📖 Exam date: Apr 2020 — Speaking 3 #854
- What type of home do people in your home town prefer to live in?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of old houses and new homes?
- What makes people want to live in the countryside?
- What are the reasons that people choose different cities?
- What kinds of environments are suitable for old people?
Topic: Places 📖 Exam date: Apr 2020