Here is a collection of recent 2022 quarter 2 IELTS Speaking Part 2 test questions from the Internet. These questions appeared in IELTS Academic and IELTS General exams in April 2022, May 2022, and June 2022. β€” Speaking 2 #1695

Describe a person who you follow on social media.
You should say:

  • who the person is
  • how do you know the person
  • what the person posts on social media
  • and explain why you follow the person on social media.

Topic: Person πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1694

Describe a famous athlete you know
You should say:

  • who the athlete is
  • how do you know the athlete
  • what the athlete has achieved
  • and explain why the athlete is famous.

Topic: Person πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1686

Describe a city that you think is very interesting.
You should say:

  • where it is
  • what the city is famous for
  • why it is interesting
  • and explain how you feel about it.

Topic: Places πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1685

Describe a place you visited on vacation
You should say:

  • where it is
  • when you went there
  • what you do there
  • and explain why you went there.

Topic: Places πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1684

Describe something that you are interested to learn or improve.
You should say:

  • what it is
  • how you will learn or improve it
  • why you are interested in it
  • and explain how you feel about learning it

Topic: Education πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1683

Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen.
You should say:

  • what you waited for
  • where you waited
  • why it was special
  • and explain how you felt when you were waiting.

Topic: Storytelling πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1682

Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member
You should say:

  • who the person is
  • when it happened
  • what the person did
  • and explain why you felt proud of the person.

Topic: Storytelling πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1681

Describe an ambition that you haven't achieved.
You should say:

  • what it is
  • why you haven't achieved it
  • what you did
  • and explain how you felt about it.

Topic: Storytelling πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1680

Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn't like.
You should say:

  • when and where it happened
  • who the person was
  • why you had to be friendly
  • and explain how you felt about it later.

Topic: Family and Friends πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1666

Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading.
You should say:

  • when you read it
  • what type of book it is
  • what it is about
  • and explain why you think it is exciting.

Topic: Storytelling πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1665

Describe a foreign person who you have known that you think is interesting
You should say:

  • who is the person
  • how you knew the person
  • what kind of person he/she is
  • and explain why you think the person is attractive.

Topic: Person πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1664

Describe an item on which you spent more than expected.
You should say:

  • what it is
  • how much you spend on it
  • why did you buy it
  • and explain why you think you spent more than expected.

Topic: Money πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1663

Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired.
You should say:

  • what it is
  • how it was broken
  • how you got it repaired
  • and explain how you felt about it.

Topic: Storytelling πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1662

Describe a creative person whose work you admire
You should say:

  • who the person is
  • how you knew the person
  • what creative things the person has done
  • explain why you think the person is creative.

Topic: Person πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1661

Describe a thing you did to learn another language.

You should say:

  • what language do you learn
  • what you did
  • how it helped you learn the language
  • and how you felt about it.

Topic: Education πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1648

Describe a time when you moved to a new home or school.
You should say:

  • when you moved
  • where you moved to
  • why you moved
  • and how you felt about it.

Topic: Places πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1647

Describe a cafe you like to visit.
You should say:

  • where it locates
  • how the cafe looks like
  • what kind of food and drink is there
  • and explain why you like to go there

Topic: Places πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1646

Describe a story you remember someone told you.
You should say:

  • what the story was about
  • who told you this story
  • why do you remember it
  • and how you feel about it.

Topic: Storytelling πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1645

Describe a place in the countryside that you visited.
You should say:

  • where it is
  • when you visit this place
  • what you did there
  • and explain how you feel about this place.

Topic: Places πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022 β€” Speaking 2 #1644

Describe an interesting song.
You should say:

  • what the song is
  • what story does the song tell
  • whether the music is popular
  • and explain why you think it is interesting.

Topic: Entertainment πŸ“–   Exam date: Apr 2022

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