Here is a collection of recent 2019 quarter 4 IELTS Speaking Part 3 test questions from the Internet. These questions were at IELTS exams in October 2019, November 2019, and December 2019.
- What are the most common colours which people use to decorate houses in your country? Why?
- Are there any differences between males and females when it comes to interior color preferences? Why?
- How do colours in the room affect people’s moods?
- Does the colour of merchandise have an influence on shopping habits? Why?
- Do you think textbooks should be colorful?
- What do you think about colored advertisements on roads?
- Do any colours have a signiï¬cant meaning in your culture?
- Are colours important in advertisements?
Topic: Life 📖 Exam date: Dec 2019
- How can a person master a foreign language?
- Is it difficult to learn another language? Why?
- Do you agree that it is easy for children to learn a new language? Why?
- Do you think it’s necessary to speak a foreign language perfectly?
- To learn new languages, which part is harder between writing and speaking?
- Is it possible to use English as a global language? Why?
- Which language do you think people should learn besides English? Why?
Topic: Education 📖 Exam date: Dec 2019
- Do you think mutual trust between friends is important?
- Do you think people need to tell the truth all the time?
- Do successful people always speak the truth?
- In what kind of situations should people not tell the truth?
- What's a situation where a person would prefer you to lie rather than tell the truth?
- Why do children tell lies?
- What should parents do if their children tell lies?
- What the difference between the lie of adults and children?
Topic: Life 📖 Exam date: Dec 2019
- What is the importance of skill development?
- How do people come up with new ideas?
- Do celebrities have a good influence on teenagers?
- At what age do you think children start developing ideas and opinions?
- Why is it important to listen to children's views and opinions?
- Do you think parents can help children to develop their creative ideas or to suppress them?
- Do teachers affect in developing ideas and opinions of children?
Topic: Education 📖 Exam date: Dec 2019
- Is money the best motivation for employees?
- How can managers motivate their staff?
- Apart from money, what other things can be used to motivate employees?
Topic: Work 📖 Exam date: Dec 2019
- How does social media affect people's self-estimation?
- Does social media bring pressures on people?
- How can it be prevented?
- Will pressure by social media to people decrease or increase? Why?
Topic: Media and Technology 📖 Exam date: Dec 2019
- What is your opinion about commercial advertisements aimed at children?
- Do you think toy manufacturers make educational toys or just toys for profit?
- Do you think toys that you played within your childhood are different from modern ones? Why?
- How does a brand influence parents purchasing decisions?
- Do you think peer pressure is among children owning a brand product? Why?
- Do you think parents have the responsibility of selecting Internet games for children?
- What are the benefits of outdoor team games for children?
Topic: Media and Technology 📖 Exam date: Dec 2019
- Should children be allowed to decide the subjects taught in schools? Why?
- Do you think schools should teach how to find the right job or how to build their interests?
- Who is responsible for children's education, parents, or school?
- What role can a teacher play in helping a child follow his passion?
- Can technology change a teacher's role?
- How the government in your country can improve the current education system?
- How are education priorities today different from those in the past?
- What qualities should a school have?
Topic: Education 📖 Exam date: Dec 2019
- Why do young people think that it hard to make career choices?
- How and who influence students to choose a particular ï¬eld?
- What professions do youngsters are choosing these days? Why are they opting for these?
- Do you think youngsters are getting influenced by others in choosing professions?
- Is it a good thing that they are following their role models?
- Do you think the retirement age should be increased?
- Can old people work even after retiring?
- In what way they can help society after retirement?
Topic: Work 📖 Exam date: Nov 2019
- Are there many advertisements in your country?
- Are advertisements always promoting good things?
- What is the popular media for advertising in your country?
- Is online advertising popular in your country?
- How do advertisements affect our daily lives?
- What are the influences of advertisements on children's lives?
- Why do people get irritated by advertisements?
- What are the advantages of TV advertisements? How about the internet?
Topic: Media and Technology 📖 Exam date: Nov 2019
- Do you think self-motivation is important?
- How can a person get self-motivated?
- Why do some people seem to be more motivated? What could be the reason?
- What are the factors affecting people to get motivated?
- How should children at a young age get motivated?
- Who is responsible for this, parents, or teachers? Why?
- How can we motivate children who are facing problems?
Topic: Life 📖 Exam date: Nov 2019
- How do people dress in your country?
- Do people wear a specific outfit on a specific occasion in your country?
- Has people's dress changed over time? Why?
- Is it important for school children to wear a uniform? Why, or why not?
- What children can learn from dressing a uniform?
- Do you think fashion is important? Why?
- What do you think about the fashion differences between the old and young generations?
Topic: Style 📖 Exam date: Nov 2019
- How would you define happiness?
- Can money bring happiness?
- How important is money for happiness
- What is important in achieving happiness?
- Is it possible to be happy during the whole life? Why?
Topic: Life 📖 Exam date: Oct 2019
- Do you think old people know more things than young people?
- Do you think older people can play a bigger role in society? Why?
- Is it easy for old people to use new technology?
- Why do some old people refuse to use new technology?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of old people to use a smartphone?
Topic: Education 📖 Exam date: Oct 2019
- What does happiness mean in life?
- Are people happy since birth? Why?
- What makes people happy?
- What do you do to make yourself happy?
- What is the relationship between money and happiness?
Topic: Life 📖 Exam date: Oct 2019
- How has technology made team sports fair?
- Is there a growing interest in team sports?
- Is it important for countries to hold international sports competition?
Topic: Health and Diet 📖 Exam date: Oct 2019
- How do people celebrate their family events in your country?
- Why is it important for sports fans to celebrate when their favorite team wins?
- Do people prefer winning in a team or on their own?
- What qualities are needed to become successful?
- Do you think the way people gain success has changed?
Topic: Entertainment 📖 Exam date: Oct 2019
- What is the most important equipment in the workplace? Why?
- Which technological product do you think is most useful at home?
- What kinds of technological products are used for housework in modern homes in your country?
- Do you think there will be no teachers to teach in schools in the future?
- Do you think some technological products make people lazier? Why?
Topic: Media and Technology 📖 Exam date: Oct 2019
– Why only a few inventions are popular?
– What are the advantages of new inventions to the world?
– What are their main disadvantages?
Topic: Life 📖 Exam date: Oct 2019
– Do you agree that English will become an international communication tool in the near future?
– Do you think people should learn a foreign language? Why?
– Do people need to learn English?
– Is English easier to learn today, compared to the past?
– Some countries don’t encourage the use of the English language. Do you think it can affect their development?
Topic: Education 📖 Exam date: Oct 2019
– Do you think people celebrate things differently now, compared to the past?
– Why do people spend a lot of money on celebrations?
Topic: Entertainment 📖 Exam date: Oct 2019
- How can information be correctly transferred through email or phone?
- How can people express themselves better?
- Who are better in giving out information between men and women?
- Where is an organization you can get information?
- Will the lack of face to face communication affect the next generation?
- How can someone tell if the information they receive is right or wrong?
- Would you say people trust the information that is found online?
Topic: Media and Technology 📖 Exam date: Oct 2019
- What is the most popular leisure activity in your country?
- Is shopping a popular leisure activity in your country?
- What leisure activities do younger people like to do?
- What do you think of a library as a place for leisure time?
- How important is entertainment in our lives?
- Do you think the entertainment industry has an impact on the country’s economy?
- Does live performance have to be indoors? Can it be done outdoors as well? Or doesn't it really matter?
Topic: Entertainment 📖 Exam date: Oct 2019